A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

How about taking down that old sign?

Written February 4th, 2025 by Hasso Hering

Years after the business closed, the “Original Breakfast” sign still tries to beckon travelers on I-5. (Photo 1-18-2025)

Now and then I wonder if anything will ever be done with the long-closed Albany restaurant property at 3225 Santiam Hwy. S.E., less than  a block from Interstate 5.

The restaurant, “Original Breakfast,” closed in 2020 and the property has not been used for anything since.

In 2022, new owners seemed to have plans to demolish the old restaurant and develop a Chic-fil-A outlet in its stead. But those plans appear to have been shelved or abandoned.

In May 2023, the developers met with city planning officials.

One complication was that a small adjoining parcel envisioned as employee parking, at the corner of Santiam Highway and Airport Road, was zoned residential, for some long-forgotten reason, and would need to be rezoned.

Another problem was that ODOT worried about a busy restaurant driveway that close to the freeway interchange and urged the city to require a traffic impact study.

What has happened since?

“It’s been crickets,”  David Martineau told me last week. “The last time we’ve heard from prospective buyers was May 2023.”

The property of about 1.8 acres (including the restaurant lot and small adjoining parcel along Airport Road) is owned by a limited liability company whose principals are based in Coburg and Portland.

They must have some plans for the property since they are fully paid up on the property taxes, which now amount to more than $12,000 a year.

If nothing else, they might want to take down the towering sign. (hh)

25 responses to “How about taking down that old sign?”

  1. Bill says:

    That place used to open for breakfast only. One morning when I had time between work stuff I got breakfast there. It was an odd experience. Strange place it was.

    • Cheryl P says:

      Yeah…I remember those folks. It’s like they had gutted the place, painted everything grey and then put in some second-hand tables and chairs. It was like eating in a warehouse and the food was some vegan nightmate.

  2. david pulver says:

    they painted the yellow roof. whatta eye sore that was. how about a in-n-out? :)

  3. CHEZZ says:

    That area is like a sinkhole for parking in rainy weather. The signage pole may be used for the future.

  4. Mac says:

    Can Trump dismantle ODOT please?! They do anything they can to slow progress. Ridiculous

  5. DPK says:

    I’ve always been surprised IHOP has never come to Albany.

  6. Cheryl P says:

    ODOT is just wanting to get their fingers in the pie because the restaurant shares a driveway with the gas station, motel and other businesses. If you look at Google Maps, you can extrapolate that the area that is zoned residential was probably to extend the mobile park.

  7. Michael says:

    My wife and I tried having breakfast there.
    we walked in, it was sooooo noisy, we turned and left.
    and I agree with bill

  8. RICH KELLUM says:

    I wonder when the system will understand, the more requirements, the less innovation and the longer it takes to do anything……

    • Claudia Testa says:

      Yes- life just seems to be too complicated small business owners today. Frustrating! There must be a way to ensure reasonable safety, sanitation, and traffic issues without endless complications. Sad.

  9. CHEZZ says:

    The only chain pancake house in Albany that I saw was Sambo’s which was in the current Sam’s Pho.

  10. Kathy Kaczmarek says:

    Why pay to remove something that could actually be repurposed in a number of ways? Seems like a premature expense until the owners know what they’re doing. And an as yet unnecessary addition to the over bloated landfill

    • David Alexander says:

      Once they take it down, they probably wouldn’t be able to put a new one up. Grandfathered in.

  11. Jack D Keeney says:

    Too bad couldn’t b an in-out burger place there with a different entry way!??

  12. Jno37 says:

    I have also wondered when the old steak and seafood restaurant sign by Chalri’s on I-5 will ever be removed since the building was razed a long time ago.

  13. Michael says:

    We get what we deserve. The sign is a silly thing to bother you. But I do agree things around here are slow.

  14. Sharron De zmontigny says:

    How about a Black Bear??

  15. Marlene A Swanson says:

    How about a Mongoleum grill. Yummy
    Will say the restruant that was there had good food.

  16. Shawn wolf says:

    How about turning that building into a homeless shelter

  17. Curtis Parker says:

    Why not make indoor food courts and charge low rent but the rents will cover the yearly property tax


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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