A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Hint: Don’t try this at home

Written January 17th, 2015 by Hasso Hering

jan 14 003

This seemed like a neat item for fast-baking potatoes in the miorowave. The potatoes turned out fine, but the fabric pouch for baking them did not survive.

The instructions were simple enough even for me. Wash the potatoes, wrap them in this pouch and zap them for eight minutes.

When the microwave shut off, something in there was smoking. And when I hurried the pouch outside lest I set off the smoke alarm, the pouch erupted in open flames.

No harm done, except to a the potato pouch, as you can see. And that’s it for my contribution to the field of helpful household hints. (hh)

5 responses to “Hint: Don’t try this at home”

  1. Warren Beeson says:

    I bake potatoes in my microwave all the time – no bag needed. Just wash the potato, poke a few holes in it with a fork, lay it on a paper towel in the microwave, and pop it in for 4-5 minutes (depending on the size of the potato). Probably too easy, eh?

  2. Ted Salmons says:

    To continue this “public service notice” maybe you should give the purchase info to warn others in more detail. Just a thought.

  3. Jim Engel says:

    Oooo, 8 minutes on full power is far, far too long! Four at max. Or use the 50% power setting if you feel 8 minutes is needed. We’ve got two home made gift ones & use them now & then. No problems for years. JE


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