A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Get over the time change: Ride the bike

Written March 16th, 2021 by Hasso Hering

Three days into daylight savings time, but instead of ranting about the harm this does to our circadian rhythm, let’s shake it off with a quick little ride in the countryside outside of Albany.

As I did on Tuesday:

If you have an old bike in the garage, now’s the time to dust it off and pump up the tires and take it out for a spin around the block, or through the neighborhood, or maybe even outside the city limits.

The added hour of daylight at the end of the day is a bonus. The video above, though, was made on Tuesday afternoon and had nothing to do daylight savings time.

As for the time switch last Sunday, though, what’s up with that? By now, according to a vote in the legislature a couple of years ago, we should be either on standard time all year, or one hour ahead of standard time.

But that return to good sense concerning the time would have required similar action in California and Washington, as well as the consent of Congress.

No surprise, then, that nothing has happened. We keep electing more or less the same members of the House and Senate. But who actually expects them to solve a problem, even a simple one like getting rid of changing the clocks twice a year? (hh)

7 responses to “Get over the time change: Ride the bike”

  1. Tom says:

    Don’t know where to ride? Timber Rides can guide and shuttle you to many trails!

  2. Son of Jacob Jacobson says:

    Hasso presciently opines: “We keep electing more or less the same members of the House and Senate. But who actually expects them to solve a problem, even a simple one like getting rid of changing the clocks twice a year?”

    This is precisely the problem. Albany continually elects State Representatives who have an agenda that does NOT include the wishes of the ordinary folks who reside here. At some point, Savings Time or otherwise, the citizens of this area need to decide that change is okay. We are not required to do what we’ve always done. Past does not have to be prologue. Albany’s current representation in State government is clearly focused on the rear view mirror and that’s unhealthy for bike riders and all manner of folks.

  3. Gordon L. Shadle says:

    I loved living in Arizona because they opted out and decided to stay on Mountain Standard time year around. My AC bill was lower as a result.

    But the Navajo Nation in the northeast part of the state DID NOT opt out, and the Hopi Nation that the Navajo Nation surrounds DID opt out.

    So today when you visit the Grand Canyon and go east into the Navajo Nation and then through the Hopi Nation and then back into the Navajo Nation and then into New Mexico (who DID NOT opt out) you have to change your watch multiple times. All within the same day.

    Or, you can just enjoy the sun and scenery and ignore this time change nonsense.

  4. CHEZZ says:

    Well, Hasso, I enjoyed your creative bike video adding your camera on the ground and music – did anyone notice all the fun Hasso was having on the creativity of his time sharing with us? Thank you – it put a giggle on my voice!

  5. Dave M. says:

    If Oregon were to choose Standard Time all year, it would not require Washington or California to do likewise. According to OPB: States can adopt year-round standard time, but the federal Uniform Time Act does not currently allow for year-round daylight saving time. With year round daylight savings time, much of the winter you will not see daylight until nearly 9:am.

  6. Bill Kapaun says:

    Nice to see you showing off your “guns” at the end of the video.

    Don’t mess with Hasso!!!


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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