On Flag Day it seemed almost obligatory to photograph flags, such as these over Albany City Hall.
As everybody knows, Friday was Flag Day. And as luck would have it, during the week of Flag Day the Albany City Council avoided a flap over flags.
Near the end of Wednesday’s council meeting, Councilor Jackie Montague made a motion to post a gay pride flag in the big window overlooking the plaza in front of City Hall every June from now on until the council says otherwise.
Council members Steph Newton Azorr and Ramycia McGhee voted for it, and Matilda Novak and Ray Kopczynski voted no.
The motion failed because a 3-2 majority is not enough. The city charter requires four council votes for any motion to pass.
Councilwoman Marilyn Smith was not there. The meeting summary listed her as excused.
Before the votes, City Manager Peter Troedsson recommended against the posting of what he called “specialty flags.” There was some back and forth about this, and if you want to watch the discussion and have the patience you can find it on YouTube.
Maybe this will come up again, as it did a couple of times last year before a pride flag was eventually posted in the City Hall window.
For now, the American and Oregon flags were fluttering over City Hall in the brisk breeze on the evening of Flag Day. A POW commemorative flag was hanging in the window, where it hangs all the time because there’s no room for it on the pole. (hh)

It’s not easy to see, but there’s a POW commemorative flag hanging in the window of City Hall.
I am pleased with the result. I thought the gay pride flag had been deemed a symbol of the international gay pride Political Action Committee; and therefore banned by Council Policy.
In the context presented, your use of the noun “flap” is clever. Kudos.
And the vociferous agitation expected from some activists in response to this decision will be proof that showing favoritism to the display of political symbols is not the proper role of a ‘non-affiliated’ city government.
Let the partisan flailing begin….
Shadow and Cordier are the only 2 responses to this provocative entreaty. Not even Kellum? Hasso, you are losing your mojo.
Maybe people have learned to be polite with each other here. Thanks!
Nah, that’s not it. Despite many hollow posts about civility Hasso knows where his bread is buttered. Calm, polite, rational comments don’t get enough views and clicks.
Careful Hartman, your hate is showing
Boring Pt. 2
Need more meat on the Bone Hasso!!!!