A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Climate change? Demand better weather!

Written November 17th, 2013 by Hasso Hering
Our climate should be like this more often than not; let's "act"!

Our climate should be like this more often than not; let’s “act”!

The calls for Oregon government action to affect the climate never stop. What the climate agitators really want is not a better climate but higher taxes on private enterprise. But talking about climate action sounds so much more benign, on the surface anyway. If only we could!

Just the other day a guest opinion appeared in the Portland Oregonian with the headline: “Oregon needs to set an example with climate action.” Why Oregon needs to set an example was not clear, considering that according to the article, California and British Columbia already had imposed new carbon taxes. So haven’t examples already been set?

Never mind that, though. It’s the idea of “climate action” that sounds interesting. If it were possible for legislation to affect the climate, let’s talk about how the voters might want Oregon’s climate to change.

Our main complaint around here is that from fall through late spring, western Oregon gets so much rain, and when it isn’t raining, there’s all that clammy morning fog. So the climate action many voters might like to see is a little less moisture during the dark months of the year. And while we’re acting on the climate, let’s have generally warmer winters to save on those huge heating bills from November through March.

If the legislature fails to act, maybe we can start a citizen initiative demanding to have a more pleasant climate and better weather all year round. (hh)

5 responses to “Climate change? Demand better weather!”

  1. Theodore Salmons says:

    There they go yet again. The Oregonian calling for feel good useless legislation.

  2. Bill Kapaun says:

    I’ve never understood why our legislators expect one of the states with the smallest population in the US to always be a “leader” in “environmental technology”. Let the states with a far larger tax base spend THEIR money.

  3. Gordon L. Shadle says:

    If you buy the notion that human action can change climate, the effort will have to be coordinated on a global scale. And the environmentalists assert that the global warming tipping point will be reached in 2047. So the world only has 33 years to coordinate 196 countries into action, or convince those countries to hand over power to one government who will impose the appropriate “climate action.”

    Why bother?

  4. Warren Beeson says:

    Hasso, does your tongue get tired when you hold it in your cheek that long? Just wondering…

  5. Rhea Graham says:

    Speaking of the weather – if they would stop geo-engineering it, we wouldn’t continue to have violent storms such as the ones yesterday in the midwest and the 7.06 inches of rain in September in Albany that was 2.79 inches more than the record of 1911. Superstorms such as Sandy and the most recent mess in the mid-west have all been man-made. LOOK UP! Yesterday in the mid-valley they were spraying again, as usual – today we’re to have another nasty storm.

    You may not want to believe it, but it’s all very true. Please learn more about what is going on simply by paying attention if nothing else. Watch those “contrails”. Contrails DO just dissipate in a matter of seconds, they do NOT remain in the sky for as far as you can see. Those that do are chemtrails and are full of aluminum, barium, and whatever else is being spewed in our skies. They spread out and white out the sky. Again I say, “LOOK UP!” Thank you!


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