A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

At Monteith Riverpark, looking around

Written October 30th, 2023 by Hasso Hering

The entrance to the Monteith Riverpark reconstruction site on Friday afternoon.

The gate in the fence was open and no heavy machinery was moving around on Friday at Monteith Riverpark, giving me an opportunity to walk in and look around the construction site.

As everybody in Albany knows, the park is being rebuilt as part of — the main element of — the $20 million Riverfront Project sponsored by CARA, the downtown urban renewal district.

So, here’s what I saw.

The new stage looks almost complete.


This is where the splash pad for children is being built.


Reconstruction of the two viewing piers has a way to go. This is the west pier on Friday.

The main contractor on the Waterfront Project is K&E Excavating, Salem. Besides the park, the other major elements of the overall plan are to redo the west end of Water Avenue as a plaza street and to improve some Water Avenue railroad crossings and close others.

How’s the project coming? I asked Sophie Adams, the city’s economic development manager overseeing the CARA program, for a shorthand update. Her reply Monday:

“This project is actually slightly ahead of schedule in the park, but we are dealing with some delays in the right of way due to work involving Pacific Power and the railroad. K&E has done a great job at maintaining their speed and project management in the face of all the coordination difficulties that are to be expected in a project of this magnitude.

“Monteith Park has been the priority so that it will be ready for a grand opening and next summer’s concert series. While the park work will be substantially completed as scheduled in early spring, it will remain closed to allow for the new grass and plantings to establish as well as staging for the equipment working on the railroad crossings and plaza street.”

The riverfront is on one of my regular bike routes through Albany. Next year, when the contractors get going on the plaza street and the rail crossings, I expect I’ll have to find another route, at least for a time. (hh)

One of the nozzles that will spray water in the park’s splash pad.





18 responses to “At Monteith Riverpark, looking around”

  1. Unknown Hinson says:

    Before these improvements the summer concerts were very poorly attended but at least it was easy to find a place to sit w/o having to steak your claim six hours before the show.
    Now Albany will be able to increase attendance which will crank up the city’s profits and provide the taxpayers with some relief with the heavy burden they carry.
    People must understand, this is real progress and it’s exciting!

    • Cap B. says:

      So, Unknown Hinson, the taxpayers are going to get a reduction in taxes? What planet did you “spaceship” in from?

  2. Rachel La Brasseur says:

    Very poorly attended? Ok…

  3. Cap B. says:

    So the new Monteith stage is just a roof, with no backstage area dressing rooms or bathrooms? So, they have to book the big stars who drive their huge tour buses right into the park?

    And the stage is costing how many millions?

  4. Kathie Ross Strathern says:

    What about parking? The “community center” has been greatly impacted with no apparent concern for the parking/walking situation for Seniors.

    • MarK says:

      They can park in the lots off Ellsworth……. oops, they sold those.

    • Cap B. says:

      You are right There is no concern for seniors. The city officials haves dollar signs for eyeballs. When the federal government had the screw-ball idea that towns who had “community centers” could give Covid shots and gave federal money to every city who applied who had a “community center,” Albany quickly changed the name of the Sr. Center to Riverview Community Center. It didn’t work. And, the city at the same time tore up the “community center” parking lot to demolish Monteith Park and closed the old Sr. Center main entrance. The attendance is still mainly seniors, but very few of them, because the Sr. Center is no longer the welcoming place that it once was. (Oh, the plan to have community centers give Covid shots never got off the ground.) Also, young people do not like to spend their time with old people (it is just the way it is), so the community center is not working. They have a little kids play day, but that is not enough to make the “community center” a going concern.

      When the Monteith Park reconstruction is finished, the “community center” will only have 6 handicap parking places in front, with no general parking places at the adjacent-to-front-of-building entrance. They had about 25 parking places before with 3 handicap spaces included.

  5. Snailracer says:

    Curious to know how over-budget and beyond-deadlines is the taxpayer-funded project. Given the useful purpose of cutesy splashpads delivering hygiene for.the homeless, what possible benefit can our hard-earned dollars expect to receive? Mayor Johnson and Albany City Council: What’s the refund policy for having made such a poor fiscal decision?

    • Jimmy, older than you. says:

      Apparently you didn’t read the article. The construction schedules are clearly stated.
      I really have never witnessed as many luddites as in Albania.
      The elderly, including myself are not pushed aside. Every single class at the senior center is full. They have a great relationship with LB CC extending from Tai Chi to crafts. I have never attended a class where I could not find a place to park. The sky is not falling. Things are getting better, look forward, not backward.

  6. chris j says:

    The city replaced the Senior center and now they no longer have to respect their needs. There is no funding for seniors. Next they will turn it into a homeless shelter to get more funding. Albany is “throwing away the baby with the bath water” with their “out with the old and in with the new” progress. Commitment is an old fashioned and outdated concept as far as the city is concerned. Shove the elderly and vulnerable out of the way of the new and improved Albany. No one asks about the consciences of the these progressive actions until it is too late. There will be very few winners and mostly losers by the time they are done. When you end up with no money in your pockets and lose your home at least the city will act like they care now that you are fundable.

  7. CHEZZ says:

    I worked River Rhythms backstage area for many years. The room had a mirror, electricity, and lighting. There was no seating, fans, or a/c. I assume there will be some accommodation for performers. They may be utilizing the Community Center. The Center was utilized previously by many performers.
    PS: Ladysmith Black Mambazo concert had over 10,000 in attendance. It was mind blowing to be there. The demands for specific food and beverage, etc. that are on the contracts for the performers is also paid from the City’s coffers.

    • Cap B. says:

      Hasso’s picture of the new stage shows no backstage rooms at all. So, now the Community Center is going to have stage makeup and drinks (sodas, and liquor probably) spilled all over the place by the entertainers and their crews? And the taxpayers are paying for the refreshments for the entertainers? What next!

      • Ray Kopczynski says:

        “What next!”

        A *huge* amount of joy by the many thousands of people who come and enjoy the venues offered…

        • KinderParkNeighbor says:

          If you’ve got time to argue about money, you’ve got time to answer my questions.

          Why is there still an unsanctioned homeless camp on the Periwinkle Bike Path? Why is there no funding for its maintenance? Why isn’t the Disorderly Conduct ordinance from Albany’s municipal code being enforced there?

          The city itself is in violation of 12.10.080 – Watercourse Protection.

          Pretending as if you’ve already given an explanation isn’t going to fly. Is there any plan whatsoever to resolve these issues? Why not?

  8. Judith Draper says:

    Nice to have these concerts in the beginning. However, location is on a river which floods every year, and limited parking and services surrounding it. New generation of citizens and new expectations. Ageing/senior citizens population is increasing as expected. Are the programs and venues keeping up. I don’t think so.

  9. Gettin' old ain't for sissies says:

    What a load of complainers with poor grip on facts. Egad.

    Thanks for the update, Hasso. Good to catch up on the project. Next time I won’t read the comments. Sheesh.


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
Albany Albany City Council Albany council Albany downtown Albany housing Albany parks Albany Planning Commission Albany police Albany Post Office Albany Public Works Albany riverfront Albany Station Albany streets Albany traffic Albany urban renewal Amtrak apartments Benton County bicycling bike lanes Bowman Park Bryant Park CARA climate change COVID-19 Cox Creek Cox Creek path Crocker Lane cumberland church cycling Dave Clark Path DEQ downtown Albany Edgewater Village Ellsworth Street bridge Highway 20 homeless housing Interstate 5 land use Linn County Millersburg Monteith Riverpark North Albany North Albany Road ODOT Oregon legislature Pacific Boulevard Pacific Power Portland & Western Queen Avenue Queen Avenue crossing Railroads Republic Services Riverside Drive Santiam Canal Scott Lepman Talking Water Gardens Tom Cordier Union Pacific urban renewal Water Avenue Waterfront Project Waverly Lake Willamette River

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