A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

At Burkhart Park, theme will be fitness

Written September 21st, 2022 by Hasso Hering

On Sept. 17 the concrete pad for the Burkhart Park fitness court looked like this.

There’s a new concrete pad on the northeast corner of Burkhart Park in Albany. It’s where the city parks and recreation department will install a “fitness court” that is set to be ready next month.

The court will consist of several pieces of permanently mounted equipment, and the whole thing will look kind of like an open-air gym.

In June the city council authorized the purchase of the equipment from its maker, the National Fitness Campaign, a company that has patented the design. The price was $125,000 after the company applied a $30,000 discount.

Petrichor Constructors LLC, the Junction City contractor that is also rebuilding Henderson Park, poured the concrete for the court in a corner of the park close to the intersection of Burkhart Street and Fifth Avenue. The price was $24,000.

Installation of the equipment is supposed to start any time and may have begun by the time you read this.

The parks department scheduled a public ribbon-cutting and opening event for 2-4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13.

The story was edited on Sept. 22 to correct the price of the pad: $24,000, not $25,000.

From the illustration provided with the invitation to the ribbon-cutting, it’s not totally clear how the equipment should be used. With any kind of luck, people will be there on the 13th to demonstrate a few fitness-enhancing moves. (hh)

5 responses to “At Burkhart Park, theme will be fitness”

  1. Bill Kapaun says:

    Yes! Everybody hop in your car and drive over so you can learn how to be “fit”. You’re obviously too inept to figure it out for yourself.

  2. MarK says:

    In the next couple of years, probably 3-4 people will utilize this equipment. After that the park won’t be safe due to “street people”, vandalism and garbage. I wonder if the exercise would help the damage driving in town does to our bodies due to our crumbling roads?
    Whatever, just more misplaced priorities by our city officials.

  3. centrist says:

    The extent of some folks positivity is they are positive the bad things will happen and render any action useless.


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