A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Where to park at popular playground

Written September 21st, 2024 by Hasso Hering


Overflow parking at Monteith Riverpark on Saturday afternoon.

Since Albany’s Monteith Riverpark reopened in July, the new playground and splash pad there have drawn lots of children and their parents every day the weather has been fine.

The playground has proved an immensely popular attraction for kids.

That, anyway, is my impression from going past or through the park on the bike, which I have done dozens of times this summer, most recently on Saturday, this summer’s last day.

Here, take a look:

The playground is meant for little kids, obviously, which means grown-ups have to take them there, usually in car. Parking in the park itself, though, is in short supply.

On Saturday a few drivers parked in the circular entrance plaza of the Riverfront Community Center, which I assume was not what the Waterfront Project designers had in mind.

So if you’re going to take your kid to the Monteith playground before the rains come back this fall, get out the bikes if you have any.

Or if you need to drive, plan on parking a short walk away in the public lot of the Riverfront Community Center along Water Avenue east of the park. (hh)

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HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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