A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Wanted: A buyer to rescue this old house

Written July 19th, 2019 by Hasso Hering

The house at 732 Fourth Ave. S.W. on the afternoon of July 1.

Here’s a chance for would-be rescuers of dilapidated but historic Albany houses. This place, at 732 Fourth Ave. S.W., is about to come up for sale. The Federal National Mortgage Association, which owns it, is looking for a buyer with an interest or background in restoring historic buildings.

The house has sat empty for some time and the city had about $85,000 in liens against it, almost all of it in unpaid penalties and interest, after having the unkempt grounds cleaned up in 2017. Last month, the city was ready to start foreclosure procedings, but now all that is off.

City Manager Peter Troedsson said Friday the city had received — and apparently accepted — $20,000 from Fannie Mae to clear the liens.

Further, he told the city council in his regular Friday summary, “They have agreed to replace the plywood that secured doors and windows on the street-facing sides with clear panels, as required by the Municipal Code, and they have asked for help to contact potential buyers with an interest/expertise in historic building restoration. The City will not be foreclosing on the house.”

I didn’t see this till too late on Friday, so I have no details about how and when the property is being listed for sale, or by whom.  I don’t remember seeing a for-sale sign when I rode the bike past the place on Thursday.

The house dates from the 1880s or 1891, depending on the source. It’s in the Monteith Historic District and is listed on Albany’s inventory of historic houses. It sits near similar houses that have been wonderfully restored or kept up. It would be a boon to the street and the neighborhood if this one too can once again become a family home. (hh)


One response to “Wanted: A buyer to rescue this old house”

  1. Jennifer Wymetalek says:

    If I had the money, I would take this house in a heartbeat. The past owner held a garage sale here and showed me the whole house. I loved it……a lot of work needed, but she appeared to be trying to fix it……..beautiful house for those that could bring it back to life.


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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