A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Wandering around a parking lot without cars

Written January 5th, 2025 by Hasso Hering

At Bowman Park on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 5, 2025: Closed to cars, but bikes got in.

On Sunday I took a few minutes to wander around the completely empty parking lot at Albany’s Bowman Park. No reason, except that the park was closed to vehicles because of high water a few days ago.

Here’s the report:

The level of the Willamette River had gone down a bit by Sunday, and except for a few puddles the parking lot was dry.

As of 6:30 p.m. Sunday, the Willamettte’s level on the Albany gauge was 18.59 feet, and the river was flowing at 55,000 cubic feet per


That was well below the “minor flood” level of 25 feet, or even below the “action level” of 21.5 feet.

With dryer weather in the offing, the National Weather Service forecast a decline of the river level over the coming week. Chances are Bowman will be reopened to cars pretty soon.

In the meantime, you can reach it on two wheels or on foot. (hh)

At nearby Eads Park, though, walking or riding on the path would have been a challenge.

4 responses to “Wandering around a parking lot without cars”

  1. Patricia Eich says:

    My husband and I walked through Monteith Park today at 3:15 and were surprised by the number of people. It was very nice weather for a January day, mild temps with no wind or rain. We then drove over to Bowman Park and walked to the boat launch area. Only three young people sitting down there. Very quiet. Just something relaxing about looking at the river.

  2. Not-ready-for-Trump.2 says:

    Thanks, Hasso, for the update on what is going on with the Willamette River and the parks.

  3. David Cross says:

    Perhaps Bowman Park remains closed because a railcar containing agricultural chemicals is submerged in the Marys River a few miles upstream.

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HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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