A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Thanks for a neighborhood tradition

Written May 28th, 2018 by Hasso Hering

Looking south on Broadway Street from the corner of Eighth Avenue on the day before Memorial Day.

For years, on patriotic holidays somebody has been hanging flags from the power poles up and down Albany’s Broadway Street, but I don’t  know who.

Whoever it is — individual or group — did so again this Memorial Day weekend, as always intended to be a somber occasion going back to the years after the Civil War.

Lots of people put out flags at their houses, of course. But it’s a special service to the community to do so for neighbors along several blocks of an entire street, and one or two side streets too.

If you know who has been doing this, keeping up what by now has become a tradition, let them know that people passing through appreciate it very much. (hh)

4 responses to “Thanks for a neighborhood tradition”

  1. David Fitchett says:

    It is Ed Panpinella and his neighbor on Broadway. They have done it for years they have done it on S. Broadway and recently have been on Broadway north of Queen. They store the flags, put them up, take them down and put up flag holders as needed.

    It is a wonderful sight to see and we are grateful for them.
    David F

  2. Sid Cooper says:

    Thank you, Mr. Panpinella. I look forward to my part of town displaying the flags on Memorial Day. Your work is appreciated.


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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