A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Something to smile about at Bowman Park

Written October 30th, 2020 by Hasso Hering

This definitely deserved a closer look, an it did. See below.

A Facebook post by Vickie Pruitt caught my attention Friday morning, so on a ride in the afternoon I went to take a look. And sure enough, somebody had creative fun with chunks of wood and sticks.

The scene is Bowman Park, one of Albany’s four city parks on the Willamette River.

It had been a week or so since I had been there, so the Facebook post interested me. “Never know what you’re going to find at Bowman Park,” it said, and then it showed these wooden figures.

On Friday afternoon they were still there:

The artist didn’t leave a calling card or signature that I could see. But whoever put these things together and planted them on the grass west of the Bowman boat ramp, give him or her credit for a good deed.

These sculptures are amusing, right? And right about now we all could use a laugh, or at least a smile.

Think of this as a bit of public art. And it didn’t cost a dime in public funds. (hh)



2 responses to “Something to smile about at Bowman Park”

  1. William Ayers says:

    I love it!

  2. centrist says:

    To the artist
    Thanks, I needed that


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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