The reconstructed Ninth Avenue has stormwater swales like this one at the intersection with Willetta Street.
There’s nothing like a new layer of smooth asphalt to tempt this bike rider to try it out, so that’s what I did on Tuesday night before the sun went down.
A contractor for the city, K&E Excavating of Salem, is rebuilding the five blocks of Ninth Avenue from Elm Street to Broadway Street and replacing a water main with a bigger one. The contract of just under $1.4 million includes sidewalk repairs, storm drains, landscaping, and other details.
As of Tuesday, the segment from Elm to Takena Street — about half the job — had been freshly paved. I had to try it out, and you can see how it went in the video below, shot with my phone.
A smooth new street like this must make residents in other parts of old Albany envious. Some of their local streets are little more than a network of patches, potholes, and bumps.
Albany does have money for projects on major streets, such as this one on Ninth. But local streets, especially some of those east and west of the downtown Highway 20 couplet, never make the list.
The city council occasionally takes up the subject of trying to raise more money for local street repairs, but so far without result. (hh)
Looks glorious. I’d be doing laps up and down all day. :) Enjoy!
Okay what about 12th
Just wanted to let you know that while reading this article I’ve been FORCED to see a business card ad from someone named Scott Brusland, a “D” who is running for Linn County Commissioner. I feel this is inappropriate and against my personal beliefs. I do NOT want to see this again.
I tried ignoring it, but the ad was strategically placed so that I couldn’t. So, yeah, it’s clear that you and Google are just out for obscene profits and forcing your beliefs on us victims.
Those of us who are members of the Perpetually Offended Club DEMAND that this stop!! (Note the two exclamation marks. We are really pissed.).
Being the most offended person west of Palm Beach must be really difficult. I feel your pain. There’s much on his website that must be hard to swallow. I was unaware of him before seeing the ad.
1 – He notes a “Best Counties” website that gives conservative Linn a C-, but socialist Benton an A+.
2 – He writes approvingly of William F. Buckley Jr., founder of the National Review, which might have as many Trump haters among its writers, per capita, as the Failing New York Times.
3 – He also seems to like Chief Justice Roberts. Need I say any more?
It must be really galling that even protesters and low-lifes like me get to vote for him without waiting in line four hours standing next to unmasked patriots. I’m so sorry.
LOL. I keep logging in and out In/OUT repeatedly to see the ad.
I want to click on it. And support!
Still it eludes me. SAD! so SAD!
LOL. Yes to 1, 2 & 3 YES!