A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Reminders of the summer season…

Written November 12th, 2020 by Hasso Hering

This unseasonal display caught my eye on a ride through Albany’s Bryant Park on Wednesday. The sunshine was deceptive. The temperature was in the 50s, not bad for the middle of November, but not exactly river recreation weather either.

The fire department set up this program some years ago. Every summer it makes life preservers available to kids for activities on or near the water.

Parents who borrow these personal flotation devices for their kids are supposed to return them. And from the looks of it here, it appears all or almost all have been returned.

The program is supported with donations and by the firefighters’ assistance fund.  You can read more about it on the fire department’s website here.

The life jackets were still hanging there Thursday (Nov. 12). But I’m guessing that before winter starts in earnest, which could be any time judging by the forecast for the next few days, someone will collect them from this rack and get them ready for another season of playing on or near the river in 2021. (hh)

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HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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