A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

New photo enforcement: A status report

Written September 18th, 2024 by Hasso Hering

At Queen and Geary on Wednesday evening: There are new cameras on the nearest signal mast.

So where are we with Albany’s plan to step up traffic enforcement with cameras at four intersections in town? Getting closer, but not there yet.

In December 2023, the city council authorized speed and red-light cameras at four intersections, including Queen and Geary, which has had red-light cameras on two approaches since December 2007.

In May the city signed a contract for the cameras with American Traffic Solutions, doing business as Verra Mobility, formerly Redflex.

Originally, the plan was for both speed and red-light enforcement at Queen Avenue and Geary Street, North Albany Road at Thornton Lake Drive, Santiam Road at Geary, and Elm Street and Queen.

The plan now is to start with Queen/Geary and North Albany Road and do the other two later depending on how things go with the first two.

On Wednesday I asked Police Chief Marcia Harnden for an update on the cameras.

“The cameras at Queen and Geary are close to being finished,” she replied by email. “The work at the other locations is still ongoing. I have asked for an updated timeline from the project managers.”

You can see the new cameras at Queen and Geary, as I did on Wednesday evening when I rode the bike there and looked around.

The camera systems watch two approaches to the intersections, from the north on Geary and from the east on Queen.

Harnden has said there will be a public information push to let drivers know when the new enforcement systems go live.

It’s not clear whether the new cameras at Queen and Geary are active and recording red-light violations like the old ones, or whether photo enforcement there is taking a break until both the speed and red-light systems are ready to go.

Better not take a chance. though. (hh)

The new camera equipment on the northwest signal mast at Queen and Geary. 

7 responses to “New photo enforcement: A status report”

  1. Jack Burright says:

    It has nothing to do about safety. Its about revenue. So be straight up about such.

  2. Gordon L. Shadle says:

    Deploying photo enforcement reinforces the us-versus-them framing in regards to transportation in a free society.

    Why fixate on our friends and neighbors as the “problem”?

    Instead, shouldn’t we be thinking of better solutions that serve the public good?

    Like, each of us should let government force us to give up our personal cars. They can easily be replaced with bikes, walking, and free public transportation.

    Think of the positive outcomes when we give government the power to control how we move about: a more peaceful culture, less global warming, and a warm fuzzy feeling that we’re contributing in a positive way to the community.

    Isn’t this a better solution than arguing and fighting over enforcement cameras and fines?

  3. Craig says:

    Since we all know this is about monies generated. Can you please let us know how much the city council screwed us over? I mean, what is the cost of this new infrastructure? How much are we paying to purchase, install and maintain this system. What are the “kickbacks” if that is the correct word? That the city receives? The assumption is the system will “pay for itself”. There is still a cost.

    Will we be receiving updates on revenue generated?


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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