The new section of the Dave Clark Path at the foot of Broadalbin Street was free to use on Thursday night.
At the risk of overdoing these path reports, thrilling though they may seem, here’s one more.
The Dave Clark Path at the foot of Broadalbin Street was open again on Thursday night when I went through there. It had been closed for construction recently.
Now the caution tape is limited only to the part of that location being turned into the Albany Square Plaza. This is off Water Avenue just west of the Avery Mill building.
So the path is open again. Big deal, you say? Well, it may not be a big deal, but it’s nice for regular users of this path, whether on foot or on the bike. (hh)
Is the rotting, wooden part of the path that used to be near the restaurant that was on the waterfront for years still the rotting wooden part of the path?
Yes, it is.
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