Driving across the Coast Range on the
Alsea Highway? Or hunting at E.E. Wilson, the wildlife area northwest of Albany? The following two items might be of interest. I found them in the Benton County sheriff’s log.
On Oct. 26, Benton deputies helped a man who was walking along the road trying to flag down help. He had lost control of his pickup in a curve near Missouri Bend. But he could get no service on his cell phone. So deputies used their law enforcement channel, apparently, and called for a tow. This has always struck me as a really dumb thing about cell phones. Places where you really need one, like on curvy roads through the hills, like around Missouri Bend on Highway 34, the towers don’t reach. Seems to me this is something the phone companies should fix.
The other item: On the morning of Oct. 31, some one had left his rental car parked at E.E. Wilson while he went hunting. When he got back, the passenger window was smashed and somebody had opened his gun cases. So here’s a word of warning. Just because the state wants you to pay seven bucks to park there, you do so at your own risk. There’s no security.
Nothing can be done about thieves. So the thing is: Don’t leave anything in your rig in plain sight where crooks see in. (hh)
From the Benton sheriff’s log
Driving across the Coast Range on the
Alsea Highway? Or hunting at E.E. Wilson, the wildlife area northwest of Albany? The following two items might be of interest. I found them in the Benton County sheriff’s log.
On Oct. 26, Benton deputies helped a man who was walking along the road trying to flag down help. He had lost control of his pickup in a curve near Missouri Bend. But he could get no service on his cell phone. So deputies used their law enforcement channel, apparently, and called for a tow. This has always struck me as a really dumb thing about cell phones. Places where you really need one, like on curvy roads through the hills, like around Missouri Bend on Highway 34, the towers don’t reach. Seems to me this is something the phone companies should fix.
The other item: On the morning of Oct. 31, some one had left his rental car parked at E.E. Wilson while he went hunting. When he got back, the passenger window was smashed and somebody had opened his gun cases. So here’s a word of warning. Just because the state wants you to pay seven bucks to park there, you do so at your own risk. There’s no security.
Nothing can be done about thieves. So the thing is: Don’t leave anything in your rig in plain sight where crooks see in. (hh)