Headlights and a church’s sign were about the only things lighting the corner of Geary and Grand Prairie the night on Nov. 14.
A question about a poorly lighted South Albany intersection, potentially dangerous to pedestrians using the crosswalk these dark winter nights, has not fallen on deaf ears at City Hall. Instead, Albany Public Works is working on a fix.
The question had come from Albany resident Rachel La Brasseur, who asked in an email on Nov. 11 whether I had ever noticed how dark it was at the corner of Grand Prairie Road and Geary Street. It’s where two major streets meet, yet there’s no light directly above. And pedestrians in the crosswalk are all but impossible to see for drivers making the turn from Geary.
I confirmed her observation a few nights later and wrote about it here on Nov. 18.
A couple of days before Thanksgiving, I heard via email from Staci Belcastro, the city engineer.
“Chris Cerklewski,” she wrote, referring to a fellow engineer in her department, “has completed a design to improve the lighting at the intersection and is reaching out to Pacific Power to discuss installing two new light poles, and replacing the existing 200W high pressure sodium light fixture with a 250 LED.”
The existing street light is a short distance south of the corner, and when I checked on the evening of Nov. 14, its light didn’t illuminate the intersection much and the crosswalk not at all.
Belcastro didn’t yet have a schedule for making the lighting improvements, but with luck — and cooperation from Pacific Power — maybe it will get done before daylight savings time returns next spring. (hh)
So, to sum up
A citizen brought an issue to HH
HH wrote a piece that stated the case and provided data.
City engineer develops a design to fill the need.
What was the Quid Pro Quo?
The individuals involved acted to benefit the common good and received no personal benefit.
That whole area at Geary and Grand Prarie is a nightmare. Not enough lighting and minimal sidewalks. I’m glad to see that they put in a crossing light at 24th street but they also moved the 35 mph sign from after that intersection headed north to the Grand Prarie intersection. Now middle school kids have to deal with faster moving cars! The section between Grand Prarie and 34th St is a hell hole, too, especially for students. There are no sidewalks, speeders, and bike lanes full of leaves, garbage cans, bikes going the wrong way. It’s a crap shoot getting through there safely during the day or night. But we are keeping our high schoolers safe on Waverly! 8 to 5… speed 20 through an intersection that is used twice a day. Sheesh
Now a few of those little reflective speed bumps, heading SOUTH on Waverly from Fred Meyer to Queen, to try to keep the cars out of the bike lane.
Speaking of streetlights, the lamp on the west corner of Pacific Blvd and Airport Road has been out for over a year. It would really be good to get that fixed. Busy intersection, dark nights, makes for trouble. I go through there 3 to 5 times a week, at night, on my way to and from my home in Millersburg. Do not know who to contact to get it fixed.
Try this link: https://www.cityofalbany.net/report/streetlight-out
Thanks Ray K
Wow this is an amazing response! Thank you!