A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Can we stow the insults please

Written April 16th, 2023 by Hasso Hering

Here’s me trying to look stern while getting ready to write something about comments on hh-today.com.

If you’re like me in this respect, you’ve just about had it with some of the nastiness in the comments under stories that appear on this blog.

In particular, I’m tired of the insults, especially when they come from people who hide behind pseudonyms.

Yeah, yeah, I can hear it now: “What insults? It’s just my opinion.”


Having an opinion doesn’t relieve anyone of the responsibility of civilized behavior in public. Besides, calling somebody names has never, in the history of mankind, changed that person’s mind.

I’ve made statements like this before, pleading with readers for a little restraint when saying something about people or institutions they don’t like. It hasn’t helped.

So once again: Please go ahead and comment about stories in this space. But if you want me to post your comment, stick to the point, meaning the topic at hand. And don’t insult anybody, over politics or anything else.

That would make moderating the comments a much more pleasing task. (hh)

32 responses to “Can we stow the insults please”

  1. Craig says:

    I feel sorry for kids today. In the 1990’s I lived in Chicago on the 40th floor looking at the John Hancock building and Lake Michigan. I even lived for a couple years on Marina Towers. I paid way less than the banks. I know about inflation, I feel sorry for kids today.

  2. Mike says:

    A voice of civility and reason. Kudos Hasso.

  3. Matthew Calhoun says:

    Time will tell if this is applied equally and consistently…

  4. Don says:

    Right on.

  5. Anony Mouse says:

    When it comes to ad hominem attacks, your policing effort gets full-throated support from me.

    But please be very, very permissive when a commenter (named or anonymous) beats up an opinion or an impersonal “institution.”

    And I’ll continue to “hide behind”, as you pejoratively put it, a pseudonym.

    You wield the censor’s pen, not me. My challenge is to dodge it.

  6. John Marble says:

    Dear Hasso,

    Question: Why do some folks scratch out their philosophy on bathroom walls?”

    Answer: Because they can do so anonymously. Cretins, cranks, and philistines only rarely sign their work.

    I worry that insisting that citizen-writers sign their actual names would greatly reduce the number of comments that you receive. On the other hand, the quality and sincerity of those comments would be greatly increased. Thoughtful discourse requires a high degree of honesty. Asking folks to take responsibility for their statements seems like a reasonable standard.

    Of course, eliminating anonymity will cause some folks to write horrible, insulting screeds about censorship and freedom of speech. But if they have to sign their names, most of those writers will never press “send”.

    And that would be just lovely.

  7. Lexis says:

    Thank you so very much. I too am tired of the nastiness in comments. It seems like it is prevalent on every social media site. Civility is a word that some people have never heard of.

    Please keep up the interesting reporting, I appreciate it. Thanks.

  8. CHEZZ says:

    Thank you, Hasso. Why does comment and opinion have to turn into insults and attacks? A kinder world happens ONLY by the act of being kind.

  9. Hartman says:

    A question: does commenting critically about a position you’ve taken constitute an “insult” to you, making that comment ineligible…or are you still open to critiquing as long as your premise is what’s being questioned?

    One other query. Nearly everything you publish has a political component to it. You often mix politics, sometimes obliquely, into your writing, so is it now your position that you will no longer publish comments from those commenting on your political stance?

    Thank you…and thanks for continuing to do the work that you do.

  10. chris j says:

    I was very surprise by your request for civility. Many of your articles in the past have blatantly showed contempt for the people you write about. Name calling and direct insults are no more damaging as the brazenly passive aggressive comments. Some of the people have lost their way of life due to the local government and they have no recourse other than propelling a few barbs at their city assailants. Believe me the city professes politeness when they violate you but no way is it truly polite or respectful. Treating people in a condescending manner is much more appalling than a little mudslinging. If you want to encourage civilized rhetoric, stop covering up the city’s lack of concern for the people who live here. Oppression and abuse can cause the breakdown of civilized behavior from even the most civilized person.

    • Bill Kapaun says:

      To show that honesty is the best policy, cite a few of the “many” you claim.

      • chris j says:

        All stories have two sides cause and affect. His articles often do not tell the whole story or a skewed version that disregards the truth.

        • Hasso Hering says:

          Name one that “disregards the truth.”

          • chris j says:

            Your article “Two dwellings replace ruin by fire”. The man that owned the house was harassed by the city while trying to recoup his life after the fire, He lost his home, his labrador puppy and suffered many other hardships. You present this a win-win situation because someone was able to take advantage of his misfortune. That eyesore was his home, had memories and a great loss to him. His truth was left out of the equation.

  11. Jill Morgan says:

    Thank you! As you state, people shouldn’t have to be reminded to be civil.

  12. Cap B. says:

    Got it. (By the way, Cap is not a pseudonym. It has been one of my names since I was a toddler.)

  13. khs says:

    Totally agree, it’s your blog and you could set the rules. Courtesy is the key when talking with other people. Kindness goes far.

  14. Superpatriot says:

    Pot. Kettle. Black

  15. Ray Kopczynski says:

    Not surprisingly, several regulars here are already trying to see how far they can push the improved (and overdue) “boundaries” you’re trying to establish…

  16. Craig B. says:

    (Chuckling) I couldn’t help thinking: Perhaps a warning threatening to post the anonymous offender’s email when they misbehave as a means of insuring civility? Or (jokingly) if there are two individuals duking it out, maybe (while pinching their ears) dragging the offenders to a public square and requiring them to shake hands and apologize.

    Seriously…Quite a while back, I watched a video of Trey Gowdy giving a convocation speech at Liberty University. He made several points, but chief among them was, if you want to persuade someone to understand your way of thinking, insults don’t work. You’ve got to be respectful, courteous, and persuasive. Which suggests that some here are less concerned with getting their point across and more concerned with being contentious.

    Alas, I feel that our society has lost its moral compass… in so many ways. I fear that common sense, common courtesy, and common decency are dying a slow death.

  17. Joanna S says:

    Well said Hasso! I agree with you – and I truly appreciate the service you do for our community. Many thanks!

  18. H. R. Richner says:

    Your picture is beautiful. Stern though you try to look, I notice a sense of humor in your left eye.

  19. Unknown Hinson says:

    We live in a time where our govt and main media is controlled by the left.
    our gov has persecuted many (jan 6) and censored more (twitter)
    our gov permits antifa to run rampant and even harm police, yet be released immediately if they happened to get caught by police…
    ….and much much more that you (Hasso) know full well!
    Lefties can feel safe with a Biden sticker on their car…a Trump sticker will get you vandalised, You know this Hasso.
    Trump supporters would do well to remain anonymous for their own safety.
    and besides…we give you our email so we’re not anonymous to you Hasso.

  20. M.S.Campbell says:

    diplomacy is the art of making a point without making an enemy


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