A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

An urgent fix under Salem Avenue bridge

Written September 23rd, 2024 by Hasso Hering

The 6-ton load limit keeps fire trucks and ambulances from crossing the Cox Creek bridge on Salem Avenue.

Five years ago Albany applied for a state grant to fix the Salem Avenue bridge over Cox Creek. Now the city has contracted with Wildish Standard Paving to do the work, and it’s costing less than expected.

The problem is under the concrete bridge, with the abutments and the spillway of the weir that forms Waverly Lake. Engineers call it scouring, which evidently amounts to water undermining the structure.

Making the fix suddenly is urgent. Last month, on Aug. 7, ODOT told the city to impose a 6-ton load limit on the bridge, which was built in 1940.

Making the fix suddenly is urgent. Last month, on Aug. 7, ODOT told the city to impose a 6-ton load limit on the bridge.

That’s a problem because Albany’s fire trucks and ambulances are heavier than that. Avoiding the bridge on Salem may mean longer response times for alarms in that part of town.

Because of the urgency, the city manager awarded Wildish the contract to fix the bridge for $351,632. The firm submitted the lowest of  four bids opened on Sept. 5. The city council will be asked to ratify the contract award on Wednesday, the first regular meeting after a six-week  summer break.

(Wildish, of Eugene, also is the firm that is now completing the job of raising the height clearance of the Ellsworth Street Bridge.)

According to city engineers, the total  project cost on Cox Creek, including construction, now is $526,000. The city had secured an ODOT grant of about $738,000 for the repairs, and now the state won’t have to spend it all.  (hh)

The Salem Avenue bridge on Cox Creek, photographed Sunday from the walkway on the north side.


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HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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