A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Albany’s dog park about done

Written July 8th, 2014 by Hasso Hering
Cage-like features at the entrance to the new dog park.

Cage-like features at the entrance to the new dog park.

If you’ve been waiting to exercise your dogs at Albany’s newly fenced dog park, the wait is almost over. How much longer? The answer at City Hall on Monday was “soon.”

The fencing is finished, complete with three cage-like enclosures at the entrance, with gates to the outside as well as the inside. Glistening in the summer heat, all that brand new chain link makes the place look a little for forbidding, but presumably the dogs won’t mind.

On Monday, a city crew was installing water lines so dogs will have a way to get a drink.

Timber Lake in the background.

Timber Lake in the background.

The dog park covers about 2 acres on the north side of Timber Linn Park, near the pond known as Timber Lake. Access is from a graveled driveway and parking lot between the pond and a parks maintenance building.

I couldn’t reach Parks Director Ed Hodney for a date when the place will be ready for use. Marilyn Smith, the city’s public information officer, said all she knew was that it would open “soon.” (hh)






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