Outside Fisher Funeral Home in Albany on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.
The sign at Fisher Funeral Home in Albany says, “Family owned for over 100 years.” That was so until last month. A new owner has it now.
Both Albany funeral homes, Fisher and Aasum-Dufour, have been purchased by Oregon Care Group LLC, according to online records of the Linn County Assessor’s Office.
The property tax bills for the funeral homes now go to Kevin Precht at an address in Wenatchee, WA. Precht owns funeral homes in Washington and Oregon, including McHenry and DeMoss-Durdan in Corvallis.
Oregon corporation records show Kevin Precht as president of Oregon Care Group LLC with an address in Corvallis. The filing shows the company’s business as “non profit cemetery.”
The company bought Fisher Funeral Home, 306 Washington St. S.W., for $1.5 million on April 30, according to the assessor’s files. It purshased Aasum-Dufour, 805 Ellsworth St. S.W., for $2 million on April 26.
Having been run by six generations of the same family, Fisher Funeral Home is one of Albany’s oldest businesses. It was founded in 1912, and its current building dates from 1920.
Aasum Funeral Home was built in 1962 and became Aasum-Dufour in 2005.
For more on the history of both businesses, I invite you to check out their websites, https://www.aasum-dufour.com/ and https://www.fisherfuneralhome.com/
I stopped by Fisher’s on a bike ride Thursday. Funeral Director Perry Ordeman was at a service, and I talked with Jeff Prunk, the prearrangement counselor.
As I understand it, operations of the funeral homes will continue as before, with the same staff. (hh)
The original version of this story has been edited to fix the spelling of Dufour.

And here’s a look at the outside of Assum-Dufour Funeral Home on Ellsworth Street.
Our community has been blessed by two fine funeral homes. Both families have given back so much. I wish them all well in the new corporate ways of our world.
The big corporations just can’t leave us alone. First they take over all of our health care here and when we are done with that they get us again.
Spelling correction: Dufour
Fisher Funeral Home had provided assistance and care for three generations of our family and will be missed by many.
Fisher Funeral Home has helped me with arrangements for 2 husbands, my Mother, Father, and Grandmother. The Ordemans and their staff have been phenomenal in walking me through all these difficult times. I am not happy that a company is taking it over, but wish the very very best to the Ordeman family.
Will they be honoring prepaid accounts?
The funeral homes are continuing in business, so I’m sure they honor whatever arrangements they have made.
Of course they do. It’s not a health club selling lifetime memberships and then changing names.