A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

A whopping campaign contribution

Written October 18th, 2012 by

His latest campaign finance report shows a whopping contribution of $75,000 in cash to state Rep. Andy Olson of Albany, the current Republican leader in the Oregon House who is seeking his fifth term.

The contribution came from Loren Parks, owner of an Oregon company that makes medical equipment. Parks, who moved from Oregon in 2002 and lives in Henderson, Nev., has long been the most generous contributor to conservative candidates and causes in Oregon.

Olson, a retired officer in the State Police, said: “This is certainly not the biggest individual campaign contribution ever.  But keep in mind that I have a new role as House Republican Leader. I’m receiving additional support, not only for my own campaign, but for my work to elect legislators that can move Oregon forward.”

The Parks check, received on Oct. 9 and filed on the public report on campaign finance activity on Tuesday (Oct. 16), raised Olson’s total campaign cash receipts to $254,975. As of Tuesday he had spent more than $202,000, much of it on contributions to other Republican candidates, leaving him with a cash balance of about $124,000. (The figures don’t add up because of his beginning balance from the previous year.)

Olson’s opponent, Democrat Ron Green of Albany, reported cash contributions of $16,000 and a campaign finance deficit of about $3,340 as of Oct. 16. Green entered the race late, being nominated by the Democratic Party after the candidate named in the primary withdrew.

Posted in: Uncategorized

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