On a sunny day in January, this was the new look of the corner of Santiam Highway and Bain Street in Albany.
Over the last few years, I have occasionally published progress reports on the remodeling of a former Chinese restaurant building on Santiam Highway in Albany. Now the outside is finished, and it looks ornate.
The place, at 2845 Santiam Highway, on the northeast corner of Santiam and Bain Street, is called Rancho Hacienda Real, and the new sign advertises it as a “Jalisco Style Best Mexican Restaurant.”
Jalisco is the state in western Mexico associated with a number of popular dishes, according to information online.
The restaurant is not yet open. At least it wasn’t when I stopped by there on a bike ride Saturday. I glanced in one of the windows on the Santiam side, and what looked like a dining room did not yet have furniture.
People in Albany have been asking about this prominent corner since at least 2018, when the building appeared to be in a suspended state of demolition or reconstruction.
In 2020 the city approved a site plan for the new restaurant, and the work went ahead in spurts ever since.
When the place opens for business, I trust the owners or operators will let the public know. (hh)

Here’s a wide shot of the finished building. Bain Street is on the left, Santiam Highway on the right.
Who are the owners of this property?
The expense involved with an unfinished project over 5 years has to have big money backing. Just curious.
Four-plus years is a long time for commercial building on a major road to not be turning a profit. This future restaurant will really need to be “best” as they say to quickly go cash flow positive.
Wow. Five years? I knew it had been going on for a long time but not that long. I wish them well.
Dang I wish their signage was better that’s for sure!!
Who Cares!
Bird Flu has now gone to Cows. How cares about this opening place!
The new pandemic is just in time for OUR orange Felon President.
Good luck folks unless your voted for TRUMP. I do not wish you good luck!!!
Having a bad day hj? Good luck with your attitude over the next 4 years.
As St. Nancy once told us “embrace the suck” you stay classy jakassy
Than you for sharing your pitiful, miserable life. We enjoy you childish tantrums. Continue on cowardly, ankle biting lap dog. Not even enough guts to use your real name.
i’m honestly curious to talk to you.
Why do some people have o get political about everything?
Rude and bad taste.
One reason why it has taken so long might be that the previous occupant (Another Mexican restaurant) was raided for selling drugs and according to the Albany PD was a museum of health code violations. There might have been a lot of clean up that had to be done.
Another Mexican restaurant. Yay.
bring on more tacos! :)
They have another restaurant in West Salem, same name that has been successful for years. And, it is good!