A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Why there’s no more trash along this creek

Written July 28th, 2024 by Hasso Hering

The view north from the 12th Avenue footbridge on Sunday afternoon, July 28, 2024.

Why didn’t I see shopping carts or other trash in Periwinke Creek on Sunday? Because a great bunch of volunteers hauled tons of refuse out of the creek the day before.

An entry on Facebook with lots of photos of the Saturday cleanup drew my attention. On Sunday I took the Periwinkle Bikepath to see what the effort had accomplished.

It accomplished a lot. On the section of the creek from Kinderpark to the Ninth Avenue bridge I could not see a single item of trash in the creek or on the banks.

Albany’s Adopt a Park program apparently helped set this up. The Facebook posting named other groups that took part: Boy Scouts, Northwest Steelheaders, and CCA Oregon,  a conservation organization.

You can find photos of volunteers doing their arduous work along the creek on Facebook by searching for “Albany Adopt a Park.” This was very hard work for the banks are steep and mostly covered with brush.

The trash the volunteers pulled from the creek included shopping carts, chairs and other furniture, various garments, and needles, among other things.

On Sunday I saw that someone had even made a start on trying to obliterate the graffiti on the wall that runs between the bikepath and Lowe’s. No luck on that, unfortunately.

Judging by the result, this was a massive cleanup, and a successful one. Too bad that because of elements in our society, this kind of effort has to be organized again and again. (hh)

Looking into the creek from the Ninth Avenue bridge.


It’s hard to get graffiti off this concrete block wall along the north end of the Periwinkle Bikepath.

7 responses to “Why there’s no more trash along this creek”

  1. Bill says:

    Nice to see something other than the usual Gov. clown show at taxpayer expense.. Thanks Hasso!

  2. Julia Stanley says:

    Trail map of Albany. I finally looked it up instead of guessing where you were describing.


  3. George says:

    Some of us prefer to get off our asses and do public service to better our environment. You can join in free of charge too…that’s what volunteer work is. Makes you proud to be a community member.

  4. Tim says:

    Why doesn’t the city use the homeless camp under the bridge to do the cleanup efforts. No reason they couldn’t remove trash, paint over graffiti and do some landscape maintenance for their free hand outs!

  5. Mike says:

    Thanks volunteers! Looks great.

  6. zza says:

    Good job volunteers!

  7. DAB says:

    It is so wonderful to see this cleanup! Thank you to the MANY volunteers it took to do the work.


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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