This summer, get ready for a big reconstruction project on the west end of Queen Avenue, a key traffic route in Albany.
Tags: Ferry Street, Pacific Boulevard, pavement rehab, Queen Avenue, railroad crossing, repaving, utility work, water line
This summer, get ready for a big reconstruction project on the west end of Queen Avenue, a key traffic route in Albany.
The Queen Avenue railroad crossing, long the bane of Albany motorists because of its extreme bumpiness, is finally going to get fixed starting next week.
From the Periwinkle Bikepath to Geary Street, the sidewalk on the north side of Queen Avenue is torn up for the construction of a wider walkway that will double as an extension of the bikeway too.
If you ride your bike south on the Periwinkle Bikepath, you come to a dead end at Queen Avenue, where the path stops in the middle of the block. This may change soon.
A reader asked me Sunday if the trees on Queen Avenue marked with green ribbons were to be cut down. I told her I would check on Monday. And the answer is yes, the city intends to have those trees felled.
Queen Avenue: In search of name’s origin
In idle moments over the years, I’ve wondered how Queen Avenue in Albany got its name. Turns out I’m not the only one.
Tags: Albany streets, Queen Avenue, Queen Victoria, street names