A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Pot issue still occupies mayor, council

Written May 11th, 2015 by Hasso Hering

Albany Mayor Sharon Konopa is determined to keep marijuana shops — medical and otherwise — at least 300 feet from residential zones, and she seems to be counting on three council members to help her do that. What’s hard to see is how this matters much when starting July 1, all adults in Oregon will be entitled to […]

Albany dispensary ban loses, but …

Written April 9th, 2014 by Hasso Hering

Albany may get by without a one-year ban on medical marijuana dispensaries, but the city council is dragging out the decision for another couple of weeks. On Wednesday night, Mayor Sharon Konopa broke a 3-3 council deadlock and voted down a one-year city “moratorium” on allowing medical marijuana shops. But she vowed to ask for […]

Canna Kitchen — nothing to ban

Written March 31st, 2014 by Hasso Hering

Last Friday I looked up Canna Kitchen, a business that has operated — with a city of Albany land use permit in the form of an approved site plan — for two years on Ferry Street S.W. But now it is caught up in the drive by four city council members to ban medical marijuana dispensaries for […]

HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
Albany Albany City Council Albany council Albany downtown Albany housing Albany parks Albany Planning Commission Albany police Albany Post Office Albany Public Works Albany riverfront Albany Station Albany streets Albany traffic Albany urban renewal Amtrak apartments Benton County bicycling bike lanes Bowman Park Bryant Park CARA climate change COVID-19 Cox Creek Cox Creek path Crocker Lane cumberland church cycling Dave Clark Path DEQ downtown Albany Edgewater Village Ellsworth Street bridge Highway 20 homeless housing Interstate 5 land use Linn County Millersburg Monteith Riverpark North Albany North Albany Road ODOT Oregon legislature Pacific Boulevard Pacific Power Portland & Western Queen Avenue Queen Avenue crossing Railroads Republic Services Riverside Drive Santiam Canal Scott Lepman Talking Water Gardens Tom Cordier Union Pacific urban renewal Water Avenue Waterfront Project Waverly Lake Willamette River

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