It was on the evening of Aug. 18, 2019, a warm summer day, that a fire all but destroyed the one-story house at 1027 Seventh Ave. S.E. For almost two years the ruined dwelling sat there surrounded by debris, but now the lot has been completely cleared of the structure and otherwise cleaned up.
Posted in: Bicycling, Commentary, News
Tags: 1027 Seventh, 2019 fire, Albany house fire, code compliance, Kris Schendel
Tags: 1027 Seventh, 2019 fire, Albany house fire, code compliance, Kris Schendel
Two new dwellings replace a ruin left by fire
Here’s another example of how builders are creating new housing in the middle of Albany by making use of existing lots. In this case, a new duplex is taking the place of a small tumbledown house destroyed by fire in 2019.
Tags: 1027 Seventh, 2019 house fire, Albany housing, new construction, Seventh Avenue