A little green sign on Albany’s Main Street points east on First and says “scenic bikeway.” Really? Scenic? I wondered where it leads.
On Sunday I went that way to try to find out:
This short segment is part of the Willamette Valley Scenic Bikeway, which I should have realized if I had thought about it.
The bikeway leads from Champoeg State Park down the valley to Armitage County Park near Eugene, covering 134 miles. Along the way it goes through lots of scenery, and also through Salem and the middle of Albany.
From the Jefferson area this designated bikeway comes south on Scravel Hill Road, crosses Highway 20 to continue on Kennel Road to Grand Prairie, then turns north into the center of Albany on Geary.
Then the route goes west along First until it leaves town via Third Avenue, Bryant Way and Drive, and then Riverside.
On Sunday, though, all I was interested in was the short segment along East First and Geary. Whether it qualifies as scenic or not — and some parts of it do — it makes for a nice little neighborhood ride. (hh)

At First and Geary, signs tell riders on the bikeway where to turn.
Thank you so very much. For those bike minded folks.
Multi-page PDF map with elevation profiles and directions:
Thanks. We need more bike infrastructure and bike routes. What that means to the average car driver is insignificant. But what more routes and infrastructure means to the bicyclist is safety and a peaceful ride without fear.