A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Saving a life: They knew how

Written February 15th, 2018 by Hasso Hering

Fire Chief John Bradner presents challenge coins to, from left, life savers Mitch Johnston, Erik Roos, Mike Davis, Jay Poppleton, Angela Miller, and Mark Wagner.

One day last month, six employees of Burcham’s Metals saved a man’s life by working together and demonstrating what they had learned about CPR.

On Wednesday they were invited to come before the Albany City Council to receive the fire department’s citizen lifesaving award.

The way Fire Chief John Bradner told the story, a man had come in to the metal recycling business at Pacific and 34th and collapsed. The crew on duty, shorthanded though they were, immediately recognized the apparent heart attack and jumped into action. Two or three started CPR while someone else called 911. One went to the street to guide the emergency medics when they arrived. Others had moved equipment so that the fire department ambulance could drive into the yard.

The workers acknowledged their boss, Jay Burcham, saying he trains his work force to respond correctly in such a case and conducts regular drills.

Bradner thanked the workers for saving the man’s life. It is this kind of citizen knowledge and action that the department relies on, because no matter how fast medics respond, there’s always a time lag before they get to the scene.

The man, Mike Murphy, in his 50s, an employee of Mike’s Heating and Air, was taken to the hospital and recovered. A few days later, he showed up at Burcham’s, bearing cheese cake and his thanks. (hh)

Posted in: Commentary, News

6 responses to “Saving a life: They knew how”

  1. Martha says:

    Bravo for Jay Burcham!!

  2. Rebecca Bond says:

    An Albany gem hidden in plain sight – Burcham’s people are hard workers, and known for their generosity with time and resources that contribute to the livability of our community. It’s nice to see recognition for their on-going efforts to provide help beyond their regular routine, in this case, lifesaving. Their kindness and consideration serve as a beacon of hope for others to follow. Thank you for reporting on this well-deserved award.

  3. centrist says:

    Thankfully, I haven’t witnessed or needed their 1st response skils. Thankful that they are trained and can deliver. The employees have a good sense of who is where. Important when mixing mobile equipment, sharp objects, and the general public. Well done folks

  4. hj.anony1 says:

    Big thumbs up! ….but wait what?! “Apparent heart attack” & “cheese cake”?

    Choices, I guess.


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