The view across the Willamette River from the Dave Clark Park at 7:23 p.m. on Sept. 4, 2024.
Albany’s Dave Clark Path along the Willamette River has many upsides. Among them is that now and then in late summer, it affords its users spectacular views of the sun about 20 minutes before it sets.
It was hard not to notice this on Wednesday evening as the bike and I were headed west on the path in front of the Wheelhouse office building.
Here’s another shot of the same scene but without the annoying distraction of my trusty old Specialized Rock Hopper bike in the foreground:

A vehicle crosses the river on the Lyon Street Bridge as the sun sinks toward the distant hills in the Coast Range.
By the way, this is as good a time as any to thank Linn County for hiring someone to trim the riverside brush and young trees in front of the Wheelhouse last spring. The county owns the building now, having bought it last December for $6.25 million.
People on the path would not be able to see much of the river, much less any spectacular sunsets in early September, if the trees on that stretch of the bank were allowed to grow tall.
When the Wheelhouse was built and the riverside path cantilevered in front of it, a couple of benches were placed in front of the building for enjoying views of the river. At nearby spot on the path there’s a another bench, but when you sit there, dense foliage is all you see.
I’m on that riverfront path several times a week. I’m glad that on Wednesday I was there at the right time to see this view. (hh)
Nice pictures. Thank you.
How Beautiful!
Thank you for sharing…..definitely worth the trip.
Wow – many thanks for these spectacular photos!
Hasso, I would like to see more of the brush/ low limbs/ bushes cut away, when the water street project came up I asked that the whole length of the banks be cleaned, trimmed so the Homeless couldn’t camp there easily and primarily so that you could see the river, which is the real attraction, without the cleanup we may as well put the money in Timber Linn Park, a bunch of clearing was done, More would be better.
Rich you should know there is a main sewer line that runs along that area and has the risk of the river washing away the bank if to much brush and stable trees are removed. There have been breaks in the past and the river current is beating against that bank more every year.
You mean the one that is on Water Ave?
Beautiful picture! Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you, Hasso for taking time in your day to enjoy the beauty around us.
Both photos are beautiful, with or without your trusty stead. Your spot-on journalism shows that Albany really is a nice place to live, but could you please stop telling everybody?!? (Just asking, for a friend ;)
Great pictures. Thank you for sharing.
Or an abandoned line?