Lunch time at the suet feeder.
When you’re sitting at your desk on the first of November and it rains, it’s nice to look outside and see a couple of feathered friends on an otherwise gloomy day.
Well, this northern flicker and, on the other side, a nuthatch showing us his backside, were not all that interested in brightening anyone’s day.
They were mainly interested in getting something to eat, so interested that they ignored the presence of the other one on the opposite side.
For a few seconds, anyway.
If they had lingered a few seconds longer, maybe I could have gotten a shot with the little nuthatch showing his head. (hh)
Great shot! Thanks for sharing. That bird looks huge.
Lovely pic with the red leaves as a background – thanks for posting that! Two of my favorite birds too. We have problems with rats – so had to take our feeders down.