A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Looks like a case of trouble on the wire

Written January 31st, 2021 by Hasso Hering

Wonder how long this telephone wire box at Washington Street and Seventh Avenue has looked like this. And whether it’s a sign of the times, or something else.

I came across this sight on a bike ride Saturday. It caught my eye because it’s the second box I had seen in similar shape in the last year or so. And it makes me wonder whether this is a case of vandalism or a sign and symptom of the decline of conventional telephone service, the kind that relies on wires and switches to work.

A few years ago, our landline in Albany started acting weird. When I picked up the phone, instead of a dial tone I heard somebody else having a chat on the line.

I called the phone company — Qwest, I think, that’s how long this was — and a guy came around in a company van, took apart the steel box on the street nearby, tested some pairs of wires and then reconnected them a different way to get the malfunction solved.

The episode told me that those boxes, or short square columns you see everywhere, were still an important part of the system at the time.

But maybe not anymore.

This box I saw on Saturday looked like it was completely out of commission. If so, the lines it served presumably have gone dead. And if that’s the case and nobody has complained to get the box fixed and the wires reconnected, then maybe, in this part of the Monteith Historic District, landline telephone service is completely a thing of the past.

The instructions on how to connect the wires in this box.

9 responses to “Looks like a case of trouble on the wire”

  1. Bill Kapaun says:

    The result of the Lib’s preventing punishment for crime.
    Chain gangs would result in a great reduction in senseless vandalism for those that are caught, but the only “punishment” allowed is Capital Punishment and they don’t do that anymore.

    People without a “pot” and nothing to lose will continue these senseless actions.

  2. Tim Siddiqui says:

    Lucky you it’s not an electrical box. We have such 220v electrical boxes in Pakistan.

  3. Bob Woods says:

    My “land-line” went internet/VOIP around 10 years ago. Kept the number, but cell gets the most use.

  4. Gordon L. Shadle says:

    It’s probably the wealthy Jewish bankers who fired a laser from space in order to benefit themselves financially.

    • Joanna S says:

      Gordon – thanks for the great laugh this AM!

      • hj.anony1 says:

        Wait here… A couple MAGA(t)s having a good laugh? One posting a comment about MTG …a MAGA(t) sitting in some power and another laughing about it. Hmmmm I am not sure what to think. Please tell me. what. to. think.

        • Gordon L. Shadle says:

          “Labels are for filing. Labels are for clothing. Labels are not for people.”

          –Martina Navratilova

          Stereotypes contribute to a dysfunctional class system. People don’t function solely as members of a group.

          But you knew that already….yes? Then why do it?

  5. Jacobin Hanschlatter says:

    This discovery points clearly to End Times.

  6. James Engel says:

    Did the phone company have anything to say about it?


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