From this vantage point you get a look at the length of the Pacific Boulevard viaduct across four railroad tracks.
Winter won’t start for another three weeks, but the air was chilly enough on my bike ride through parts of Albany on Tuesday afternoon.
There was ice on the surface of the Eighth Avenue canal in the shadow of the Pacific Boulevard overpass. And the concrete walkway was covered with enough frost to make a guy on two wheels be wary of potential sideways slips.
I stopped to take a look around this area near Swanson Park.
The most obvious landmark is the viaduct itself. Thousands of people pass over it every day in their cars. Few are aware of the age of this steel structure across four railroad tracks.
It was built in 1939 as the “Southern Pacific Railroad Overcrossing” under a cooperative agreement by the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads and the Oregon State Highway Commission.
Both pf these state ad federal agencies had their names changed years ago, and the Southern Pacific is history too. But the overpass endures.
The other landmark, if you can call it that, is the vertical pipe on the back side of the Swanson Pool.
It was set up in 2016 as a potential roost for migrating swifts. Flocks of those little birds were said to have used the chimney of the nearby Fire Station 11, and the little tower made of concrete sections of pipe was intended as a replacement.
As I reported at the time and a year later, no swifts ever turned up. If they’ve been spotted since, I’d like to hear about it.
On Tuesday, having walked around a bit, I climbed back on the bike and headed back to the barn. When I got there I checked the thermometer, and it had warmed up to a balmy 42 degrees. (hh)

Ice on the Eighth Avenue canal and frost on the path: It looked like winter Tuesday.
I think that overpass on 99E (which is what Pacific Blvd. was in 1939) was partly built by the WPA (Works Progress Administration) which was brought into existence by FDR.
We sure as hell need another FDR now. (Boy, that comment is going to unleash mean remarks from the right-wingers.)
Seriously doubt it Cap!
Repubs are so far up in the Cult of 45 that they can no longer function as happy keyboard jockies.
Give up on your ORANGE GOON soon!
I’m not for the Orange Goon (aka Trump) and never have been and never will be. So, I hope your comment about giving up on the Orange Goon was not directed at me!!
Thanks for educating your readers as always, with great photos and background. It appears that the hullabaloo out in SW 53rd Ave is ” much ado about nothing” to quote the title of a Shakespearean play.
There is a mass annexation to the city of 9 parcels being introduced at once and City Hall will host a public hearing on December 4th at 5:15 pm.
The extreme end of 53rd Ave faces “no plans to develop” according to David Martineau at the City Hall.
Cap, I am a Republican and I happen to think that FDR was a great president, as do all the people I know. Sorry to disappoint.
Well, great. I like you and the people you know who agree with you.
Do you know Coach Ray K. by any chance? Tee, hee!