Here are Jeff and I in KGAL’s Albany studio on a recent Tuesday. (Jeff is the one who’s smiling.)
Most Tuesdays, I join host Jeff McMahon on KGAL’s “Valley Talk” program to chew over what’s in the news, and sometimes what isn’t. Today (Feb. 18) I think we’re likely to chat about, among other things, Albany’s decision not to allow a bottle redemption center where the applicant wanted to put it, the pending legislation on Indian names of school teams, and maybe the precarious fate of proposals for reforming “Cover Oregon.” The program runs from shortly after 11 to just before noon on AM 1580.
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Here are Jeff and I in KGAL’s Albany studio on a recent Tuesday. (Jeff is the one who’s smiling.)
Most Tuesdays, I join host Jeff McMahon on KGAL’s “Valley Talk” program to chew over what’s in the news, and sometimes what isn’t. Today (Feb. 18) I think we’re likely to chat about, among other things, Albany’s decision not to allow a bottle redemption center where the applicant wanted to put it, the pending legislation on Indian names of school teams, and maybe the precarious fate of proposals for reforming “Cover Oregon.” The program runs from shortly after 11 to just before noon on AM 1580.
Tags: " news discussion, "Valley Talk", KGAL Radio