Just try to imagine how drive-through dentistry might work.
Sometimes, maybe even lots of times, it matters how you frame something. Take, for example, this business sign for drive-through dentistry on Santiam Highway in Albany.
With a little imagination, you can visualize how this could work.
There would be a drive-through lane with windows on each side, one for drivers with bad teeth, and the other for passengers.
An assistant would lean out of the first drive-up window, ask you where it hurts, run your credit card, and put a bib on your chest.
At the second window, you would put the car in park and shut off the engine. The dentist would lean out, drill in hand, and do the work. Gently, of course.
In a minute or two, you would be on your way.
If the patient was a passenger, the dental providers would work out of the windows on the right-hand side of the lane.
Or, you could put the picture in context, by using the proper frame. Like this:

Is it better to get a latte before you have a tooth pulled, or after?
HH – You have too much fun sometimes… :-)
This reminds me of a sign we saw at Crater Lake a number of years ago that said—
“BEARS KEEP FOOD LOCKED UP” Apparently bears don’t share very well.
Yes. I chuckled about this sign one day a couple of years ago when my imagination was acting up.
With our luck, the dental offices may just do that! *LOL Except with robots of course..
Yep, the cremation and recycling sign on 101 south of Cannon Beach brings a bit of dark humor!