Police vehicles block Broadalbin Street during Saturday morning’s commotion in downtown Albany.
Downtown Albany was partially blocked this morning (June 4) while law enforcement officers and firefighters watched a man up in a tree at the corner of First Avenue and Broadalbin Street.
The man had made a scene in some of the downtown shops for a couple of days, according to one bystander. This morning he somehow climbed to the top of the street corner tree.
When I checked the scene a little before noon, he appeared to be half naked and was yelling or singing, shaking the branches he was hanging on to. The ground below was littered with leaves.
The authorities responded in force. I counted at least seven Albany police and Linn County sheriff’s vehicles, as well as an Albany Fire Fire Department ambulance and truck.
Firefighters at one point got a ladder up to where the man was perched but had no luck getting him down. “He declined to accompany us,” one firefighter said.
At this writing I don’t know if or when, or how, the man got down from his perch, or what happened to him then. (hh)
Postscript: Eventually the man climbed down, was contacted by officers and taken in for treatment. Nobody got hurt.

Officers stand near the tree where the man was perched.
They should have brought in one of those tree shaking machines. Guaranteed to get the nuts out!
Let’s see, is there an offense called “disturbing the peace”? His singing or whatever could hardly be worse than what sounds emanate from the sound systems of some passing cars.
And as far as public nudity, it would probably depend on which half of “half dressed” was in view.
Tree climbing, maybe that is the crime. Is there a city ordinance forbidding that?
Perhaps the assemblage of public safety officials was in response to a police code for “You can’t believe what I am seeing.!”
Any way, perhaps as trees out grow their space or die, they should be replaced with ones of the thorn varieties.
I’m insanely surprised to hear someone actually dissecting what happened here and checking if any liberties we’re infringed upon instead of just loving cops wholesale like usual on these sites. Kudos to you from a youngin
“… at least seven Albany police and Linn County sheriff’s vehicles, as well as an Albany Fire Department ambulance and truck.”
And it still took hours to get a half-naked, singing, unarmed man out of a tree?
Wish it wasn’t verboten here to question whether certain taxpayer-funded city services are providing value commensurate with their hefty budgets.
People shouldn’t be allowed to climb trees in public places.
You know that, I know that and most “sane” people know that.
Unfortunately, there are some who are either “insane”, seeking attention or just plain stupid. Nothing new.
Hummmmm…Well if he was “homeless” being in the tree maybe solved that?
To paraphrase Joyce Kilmer’s poem TREES
“I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree…..
A tree that may in summer wear
a nest of robins in her hair;”
And in spring is precede by
Cuckoo cuckoo nest
Hey folks
Try it this way
7 police dispatched, over extreme public concern, to the site of a partly-clothed male, lodged in a sidewalk tree, singing, refusing to leave.
Given the daily reports of high-death-shootings around the country, be thankful we have issues light.
Dear HH, Your threads are wonderful and so appreciated. The responses from others, PRICELESS!!!” A great way to start my Monday. Smiling and giggling..
I expect the resources committed to help a troubled soul out of a tree is more a testament to the value they have for the individual’s life and the uniqueness of the situation. About half of all falls from 20 feet are fatal, over conrete this could have been a very sad outcome. Also glad to hear the response deescalated and he made it back down. Nice story HH!
Cogent point, well made