Looking east along an unimproved section of Dover Lane in North Albany on June 28, 2023.
Property owners asked the city of Albany for a “license to occupy” public property so they could close a gate on an unimproved section of Dover Lane in North Albany. On Wednesday the city council said no.
Two weeks ago the council could not make up its mind on this request. But Wednesday’s decision to deny it was unanimous.
Dover Lane runs west from Crocker Lane toward Scenic Drive. But the end near Crocker is unimproved except for gravel, and only a walking path connects it to the paved western section.
Owners near the end of the gravel section put up a gate and wanted to close it because of troubles with a neighbor, the council was told on June 28. The gate would require the license to occupy the right-of-way.
But Public Works Director Chris Bailey said granting the license would conflict with the denial of a similar request in December 2021. In that case the council told owners along Vine Street they couldn’t fence off the unused right-of-way next to the Vine Street Canal and would have to remove any obstructions there.
Moreover, Bailey said Wednesday, this section of Dover Lane may be improved in the near future. In the meantime, the city would put down rock to delineate the extent of the right-of-way.
As for the dispute that prompted the gate request, the city plans to refer the people involved to Neighbor-to-Neighbor, a mediation service. (hh)

A map on the city’s website shows property lines and the Dover Lane right-of-way in thin white lines. The street doesn’t yet go through.
Did the city send them to a gym with gloves to settle the dispute or pistols at 50 paces? Perfect solution one way or the other. The city will get the land for their use at the expense of the owners. Give them no way to win and the city will get the all the spoils. They need to change the term “right of way” to “take rights away” whether they need it or not.
The city is fortunate that the nice words they tell you are sweet enough to make the medicine go down and you willing to ignore their blatant disregard for the citizens that cannot defend themselves. It is easy when you are on the upper level of the social food chain. Our children see the way the city politely dismisses people. Soon we will leave Albany but I am sad to leave my friends that have suffered the city’s hostile takeover behavior. People like their head in the sand and choose to make light of others misfortune. Being positive is the best way to view life but facing reality is the only way to protect a civilized way of life. Ignorance is not bliss for the people that suffer its negative affects.