A dead end now, this will become the southward extension of Timber Ridge Street, the entrance to the Brandis Meadows Apartments.
The coronavirus shutdown has not stopped the planning process for another big Albany housing complex east of I-5, the 264-unit Brandis Meadows Apartments southeast of the Knox Butte roundabout.
Salem developer Dave Montagne, who previously built the Plum Creek apartments in south Albany, among others, has applied for site plan approval and a floodplain development permit for the Brandis Meadows project. The city notified nearby property owners and invited comments by April 9. The land, vacant now, is zoned mixed-use commercial, and approval of the plans is up to the city staff.
The site would be developed in two phases. Phase one, closest to the roundabout, is planned for 168 apartments from one to three bedrooms each in 14 buildings, along with 414 parking stalls, 42 bike spaces, a recreation building and a swimming pool. Some of the parking spaces would be in garages.
The second phase would have 96 apartments in eight buildings, also one to three bedrooms each, with 144 parking stalls, and 24 bike spaces. No second pool, though.
Brandis is the name of the Corvallis family that originally owned the large stretch of vacant land now occupied by Timber Ridge Street, the two Ridge schools, a residential subdivision, and two apartment complexes, one completed (the 135-unit Timberridge Place)Â and one under construction (Somerset Place with 127 units). The city of Albany acquired the land in lieu of street assessments some years ago and has sold it to developers since.
No telling whether the long-term economic effect of the coronovirus outbreak will lessen the demand for new housing in the years to come. But the planning so far is going ahead, and construction is too. (hh)

The Somerset Place apartments under construction at 350 Timber Ridge St. N.E. on March 26.
I don’t feel that Knox Butte Rd is built for the amount of traffic this is going to create.
High density living is going to kill us yet.
Try building low income housing strictly for disability/ elderly we don’t get enough to live anywhere !! Y’all building these apartments and charging more then people on SSI or SSDI make oh wait it’s just about how much money you contractors and city officials make off people
Where are all the people coming from? Portland?
I’ll guess commuters to work in places more expensive than Albany – which could be Corvallis, Salem, PDX, etc.
Thanks, Hasso.
If my math is correct, the ratios of parking spaces seems a bit odd. 2.5 spaces per apartment on phase I, only 1.5 per space on phase II. Bike per are steady at 0.25 per throughout.
Maybe more multi-bedroom units in Phase I?
That’s right. The mix of apartment sizes is different in the second phase.