A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

Albany sign due for an upgrade

Written July 4th, 2017 by Hasso Hering

In the shade beside Highway 20, the old sign tries to welcome drivers to Albany.

On a rainy day around maybe 20 years ago, a group of city officials, reporters and others gathered in the brush beside Highway 20 in North Albany to dedicate a brand-new “Welcome to Albany” sign. Now it might be time to again refresh the old wooden sign or even replace it with one that can actually be seen.

A reader suggested that this be done. In response, last week I took my first close look at the sign since that wet day long ago. I also inquired at City Hall.

“Our sign on Highway 20 is small, old, and due for another reconditioning,” responded Ed Hodney, director of parks and recreation who also now heads the CARA urban renewal program.

“It would be great if we could come up with a sign to replace the old one,” he said. “Since one of my new tasks is to complete the new wayfinding system for downtown by the end of this year (CARA project), I have proposed that we design a new Welcome to Albany sign to reflect the architecture and colors of the new system.”

What he has in mind is a sign large enough to be read at 45 mph, both day and night, “something we can be proud of.”

He has a couple of design concepts in hand, but as usual it’s a question of money. Hodney says he’ll have to come up with a cost estimate along with alternatives for funding. “If all goes well, I’ll share the designs and get direction from policy makers later this year, once I have a plan to pay for it.”

So with any kind of luck, people might be gathering for another sign dedication right about next winter, maybe on another dark and rainy day.(hh)

Through the roadside weeds, a closer look at the Albany sign.


5 responses to “Albany sign due for an upgrade”

  1. John Hartman says:

    Mr. Hodney’s wishes for, “something we can be proud of,” begs the question. Were the folks who put up the original sign not proud?

  2. John Hartman says:

    Mr. Hering, in regards to the Isvestia-style photo in your most recent posting:

    Did you, by any chance, Photoshop the massive weed mass, then place it pleasantly in the foreground so as to hide the Welcome to Albany sign, thereby allowing you to make and or spread The Hering Agenda?

  3. Debbie Ferguson says:

    Clearing the weeds up around the sign would help for now. I’ve noticed that there are more stop signs etc in the city that are covered from tree branches hanging on them. Is that the city’s responsibility?

  4. Gordon L. Shadle says:

    Well, at least Hodney can’t use the slush fund (CARA) to build the sign.

    Downtown Albany is only blighted to the halfway point of the river. According to CARA the North Albany side of the river is not blighted.

    But I doubt the city attorney would let this inconvenient fact get in his way.



HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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