A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley

A brief respite from the news of war

Written April 11th, 2022 by Hasso Hering

Gilkey Bridge, one of Linn County’s picturesque covered bridges.

On a blustery recent Sunday, we ventured into the hinterlands of Linn County. This was one the the places where we stopped.

Linn County has several of these covered bridges, mostly built in the 1930s.

Every few years, one of these picturesque structures needs refurbishing or repair. The Linn County Road Department has been keeping up with that responsibility.

The result is that (as far as I know) the covered bridges are in good shape.

There’s a designated covered bridge route, marked on tourist maps and with roadside pointers starting on Highway 20 east of Albany. Following that route, you see the best of these bridges.

And you see a good slice of the Willamette Valley too. Just what you need to take a break from the dreadful news from Europe.

Seeing this area’s tranquil countryside won’t make you forget the murderer Putin or his men’s killing spree in Ukraine. But it gives you something else to contemplate, at least for a little while. (hh)

10 responses to “A brief respite from the news of war”

  1. Gordon L. Shadle says:

    Your white bridge and white face and reference to Ukraine all reminded me that there is a racist undercurrent in virtually every life experience.

    And given Oregon’s ugly history (a conscious intention to create an all-white state) it reminded me that even mundane pleasantries like road-tripping can be a challenge for some.

    Here is a good example:

    And like the following article mentions, even the Ukraine invasion reminds us that racism is everywhere.

    So my suggestion is that the next time you hit the road to escape one of life’s ugly events, recognize and understand your own privilege. A privilege not everyone can enjoy.

    And maybe even write about it on this blog.

    • MarK says:

      Give us a break Gordon! Maybe you’d be happier in another state, or better yet, country.

  2. John Hartman says:

    If you think about it, Hering’s exhortation to “take a break from the dreadful news from Europe.” is a breath of fresh air.

    Think about it! When one considers that Ukrainians are being blasted into the Great Beyond, it seems supremely logical that we should take respite from that disaster.

    I know….Albany residents are having to pay more for gasoline and Chicken McNuggets. Inflationary pressures in the US, by some accounts on the political Right, are on par with Cruise Missiles striking Maternity hospitals. The grim reality of having to fuel our gas-guzzling pick-up trucks with “dirty” E-15 compares to the execution of civilians. And the idea of accurately teaching American history to our youngsters, preferring to bathe them in Disney-esque fantasy, is at least as trying as standing in a train station when the rockets start falling.

    Yes, a little Covered Bridge Tour is what’s called for during these challenging moments. And remember, the Russians barely objected when the US invaded Iraq, killing thousands while hunting for non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction. We should take their lead. Enjoy the Covered Bridge Trail. Buy the ticket…take the ride.

  3. hj.anony1 says:

    Nice Bridge…

    And NEVER forget that the former guy, Don the Con loves him some Putin!
    Yuck Republicans!!!!

    • MarK says:

      Yeah and you Dumbocrats are doing sooo much better (not)! Let’s just hope midterms get here before we’re all broke, or speaking Chinese, Russian or Spanish.

    • Al Nyman says:

      I thought it was Barack who ridiculed Romney over Russia being a threat and Don was the president who was targeted by the FBI, Hillary who paid 6 million for the phony dossier, the New York Times who won a Pulitzer Prize for a phony story, and Mueller with dementia who ran the fictitious investigation into Russian collusion. I see Brennan and Clapper are still on CNN after testifying under oath that the intelligence community had no evidence to support the claim yet they continue to lie on TV and you continue to believe their lies. I’m sure you believed Michael Avennati when he appeared 147 times on CNN and Adam Schiff when he appeared on TV over 300 times and claimed he had irrefutable evidence of Trumps involvement with the Russians. When are you liberals going to wake up and seek the truth. And by the way anonymous, you still have not acknowledged the Oregons Covid data is roughly the same as Swedens and they never shut down their schools or required masks.

  4. Bob Woods says:

    1) Last I heard Gordon lives in North Carolina, but he’s also right here:
    RACISM definition: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. “a program to combat racism”

    Yeah, that happens all the time, across the globe and Putin is the current poster child for using it as a justification for war and territorial expansion.

    2) Hasso has made it clear in the past that he want’s to talk about what’s happening locally, and not dwell on issues that are being argued about in thousands of other social media sites. It’s his blog so he gets to choose. Don’t like it? GO AWAY.

    3) Hj, MarK ,and Al, quit litigating the ancient “whataboutism” of trash talking. Go to Hasty Freeze, buy an ice cram cone and follow it with a french fry chaser. You’ll feel more satisfied, and your tummy will be full.

    • hj.anony1 says:

      Ha ha I’m not litigating. Just a calm, simple reminder.

      Banging the drum peeps!

      TRUTH hurts….no?

  5. CHEZZ says:

    Hasso, thank you for the ‘reminder’ that we are so blessed to have this precious space around us that gives the opportunity to breathe it in.

  6. GregB says:

    It is unbelievable Hasso that some people tagged on to a nice covered bridge tour in our local country side to turn it into a political round-about. Yep, things are not so good in the world, but geez, appreciate what we have and enjoy it without guilt.


HH Today: A perspective from Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley
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