Tied to an overpass screen, this U.S. flag was seen Sunday on I-5 in Lane County. (Kathy Hering photo)
Nearly two months ago, ODOT told me its crews were removing anything including U.S. flags attached to the overpass screens on Interstate 5. But this past weekend, the flags were still there.
Among the possible explanations:
One is that ODOT’s maintenance crews have their hands full with other chores, and clearing the screens on overpasses is not high on their list.
Or, as soon as the flags are removed, somebody puts up new ones. This would keep them busy and cost them a bundle, in gas money alone, considering how many there are.
Putting flags on highway overpasses seems to have been going on all over the country, off and on, for years, as you’ll discover if you Google it.
So it wasn’t done just on I-5 or just in connection with truckers’ protest caravans in recent months.
When I first saw all those flags back in late March, I wrote about the phenomenon here.
The piece appeared on April 1 and drew an unusually large number of comments, both defending the flag display and arguing against it.
We don’t need to repeat all that. The only point here is to report that ODOT’s resolve to remove those flags either has been thwarted or it has not yet been carried out. (hh)
It takes 211 words to make the point that ODOT lacks “resolve”?
I can make the point in two words:
(1) Inefficient
(2) Ineffective
Deciding on a course of action, and then actually doing it, are messy in divided government.
But Oregon is a one-party state. “Resolve” shouldn’t be this hard.
Cue the “tax the rich” solution….
The answer seems obvious. ODOT is indebted to the Far Left, intent on carrying out the most anti-patriotic agenda against America. The Left, led by the radical Tina Kotek, are intent on repealing the Constitution. Flag-waving is anathema to these lemming hordes of Communists. Any display of any banner depicting anything other than the Hammer & Sickle will be, under the incoming Kotek Administration, looked upon with prejudice. ODOT’s “inability” to keep overpasses flag-free is simply some sort of False Flag operation designed to lull Real Americans into a sense of security. Do not fall for the Kotek takeover. Make Oregon great again.
It used to be a meaningful and special occasion to put out the flag. The conservative right has ruined the 4th of July and Memorial Day. Flags on trucks and freeways are ubiquitous and put up for whatever nationalistic, sacrosanct cause they have in mind. Now those flags have no meaning. If I were to take those flags down, I would have a brick through my window. If I were to put up a Pride flag, it would be ripped apart. What a joke!
Your problem lies in equating the Pride flag with the American flag.
Doesn’t the American flag stand for equality?
Put up a pride flag if it makes you happy. The rioting, flag burning, anarchy is not being done by conservatives. You need to take a good look at yourself when you put that nonsense in writing.
No pride flag flying needed to make me happy “Al”.
In fact, no Freak Flag needed at all.
How do you make yourself look good?
” The rioting, flag burning, anarchy is not being done by conservatives.”
January 6, 2021 was the cowardly assault by conservatives on the US Capitol and the Congress of the United States, instigated by traitors and egged on by Donald Trump. While I did not see any US flag burned, I did see it slammed into the heads of Police Officers by wild eyed rioters.
So Al, shove it up your Nyman.
The Capitol riot pales in comparison to Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc with the only person dying being a 5’3” woman Air Force veteran shot in the head by a captol policeman. A disturbance led by a shaman wearing a set of horns with no guns or weapons. Wow, plus somehow you committed liberals forget that Trump requested additional police and was turned down by Pelosi as she controls the capitol buildings. Now if I can only get anonymous to post it’s all a lie my day will be complete.
And yet you ignore the overwhelming number of BLM riots where they trashed EVERYTHING!
Your comment is mute! Simply because you do not acknowledge the radical, Right Wing Insurrectionists abound. In Salem to D.C. and everywhere in between.
I wanted to thank Hasso and all of you for allowing me to participate in this forum. My original interest in this blog was protecting oak trees and enhancing bicycle transportation and bicycle access in the city of Albany. At some point, dialogue and bridge-building will have to take place among those who want to better this country. I do not have the energy to engage any more, but I am hopeful that some of you will reach out, not in an online format, but in a face to face situation and be true brothers, be true humanitarians, and be truly kind to each other. Thank you and I’ll be removing myself from here on out.
How dare they put a US flag on a US highway system!
Gee,I thought it was really super that our American flag was still there… I hope they stay up. Wave our American flag everywhere!!! A very proud American here!!!
This makes the freeway flag project pale-
In the past few weeks I’ve removed them from three overpasses. Starting north from Curtin
Next week I’m advancing north to the Creswell stronghold.
I will have liberated at least 20 flags from desecration.
ODOT refuses to do their job and it is my patriotic duty and right to remove them.
On July 4th I will cut the union from the bars and give them a respectful coffin burial on my property